Why hearing aids are not covered by insurance?

The reason most insurance companies say they don't offer coverage is because, according to them, hearing aids are not an essential medical device, but are considered “elective.” However, because hearing aids are not considered essential medical devices, they are not required in insurance policies. This can be incredibly frustrating, because we know that most people will consider them essential if you think about the enormous difference they make in the user's life.

Why hearing aids are not covered by insurance?

The reason most insurance companies say they don't offer coverage is because, according to them, hearing aids are not an essential medical device, but are considered “elective.” However, because hearing aids are not considered essential medical devices, they are not required in insurance policies. This can be incredibly frustrating, because we know that most people will consider them essential if you think about the enormous difference they make in the user's life. Your ability to get insurance for your hearing aid will largely depend on your location and the insurance policy you have with your provider. If you can't get a third party to help you pay for your hearing aids, you can consider programs that offer short-term loans or repayment plans.

However, the insurance company often considers people with hearing loss to be a serious risk. If you're not sure if you have a local group for any of these organizations, your hearing care professional can help you find these and other sources of financial aid. Trisha Dibkey, AuD, director of audiology and hearing aids at Georgia Ear, Nose %26 Throat Specialists in Savannah, Georgia. Mandy's career is guided by her dedication to serving people with hearing loss and her past experience in research, training, and managing hearing.

Even if insurance companies finally offer coverage for hearing aids, they will have a big impact on the prices of hearing devices and services, setting lower contract amounts for what can be billed. Not all local chapters are involved in these hearing care projects, so you'll need to contact the one in your area to determine if they can help you. This page from the American Hearing Loss Association allows you to search for Medicaid coverage for hearing care by state. In addition, Medicare doesn't recognize tinnitus (which can sometimes be treated with hearing aids) as “medically necessary to treat it.” Many states have telecommunication distribution programs for people with hearing loss who require special equipment to use the telephone.

When you're considering buying hearing aids, call your insurance provider and ask about your plan. We also recommend reviewing the financial aid page of HLAA, the American Hearing Loss Association. So why don't most insurance providers include hearing aid coverage? They are not considered essential medical devices. Until hearing aids are considered necessary for a person's health and well-being, insurance companies are unlikely to offer full coverage for devices.

Austin Hughes
Austin Hughes

Devoted coffee lover. Incurable twitter specialist. Award-winning music specialist. Infuriatingly humble zombie guru. Travel guru.

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